There are many content theories based on motivation which include Maslow's hierarchy of needs, Aldefer's ERG theory and Herzberg's two- factor theory. These theories all have similar meanings within them although for me Maslow's hierarchy of needs is what I personally feel relates to me, as I aspire to reach self-actualisation. Maslow's theory has five main steps which include physiological, safety, social, ego/esteem and self-actualisation and these will be explored as well as applied in how they relate to me.
I'd like to know explain the five stages of Maslow's theory starting with physiological. This stage has to relate to your needs so this can include water, food, shelter and clothing. This theory shows that you must start with the basics and once your physiological needs are met you can then go onto stage two. Safety is the next stage of this theory, this is paramount as within a workplace or your daily environment it is essential that you are, as well as feel safe. In work environments this would include security cameras, fire exits and even if knowing if your work placement is part time or even permanent can also come under safety. The next step is social, this relates to your social well-being, whether it’s socially accepted into your work group or feeling comfortable in the working environment. Examples are smoking areas, staff rooms, social meetings as well as staff get-togethers which are all key as these will help people feel accepted.

The next two stages of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs are ego/esteem and self-actualisation. Now ego/esteem is stage four and this enables self-respect, this means that you are happy at where you are at in terms of work. This stage can be met/found through promotion opportunities, bonuses, tips and by meeting your goals. The final and top stage is self-actualisation; this stage is about the fulfilment of your potential and that you having reached the top of your goals, i.e. becoming managing director of a business. This stage represents fulfilment of your targets although a change of job or life circumstances can mean a change in stage on Maslow’s hierarchy of needs and I will show this has reflected upon me.
The personal motivation of starting a degree was being the first member of my family to attend University, therefore leading to my family being proud of me. This can immediately relate to Maslow's theory as through achievement and recognition I have made step four Ego/Esteem, as the sense of achievement and respect of others was made when I received my A level results which meant I had got into University. I’m at University in order to help me understand the concepts of business in more detail and during the economic downturn we are currently in, furthering my education was the way to go for me. In the next two-three years I wish to be still enhancing my understanding of business and reaching the self-esteem stage again where I have met my personal goal of achievement of obtaining a degree in business. At this current time I am currently progressing into stage three as I’m in a new learning environment and it takes time to make new friends and understand the new work environment I’m now in. As I live home my physiological needs as well as my safety and security stages are met as I don’t have to worry about my personal circumstances, as they are the same as before I went to University, it’s just the matter of reaching stage three as it will be harder to socialise as I don’t live at the campus, and this process will take time.
There are times where I have be de-motivated which have had massive effects upon me. During my secondary school years I was a member of the school football team and played for a team outside of school as well, although through an accident I was unable to play for a year and this had massive on my confidence and I haven’t returned since. In terms of Maslow’s theory I was at stage four as I was so confident and I had won sports personality of the year at the school and was fulfilling my goals. Although when this incident happened I had been so de-moralised as I wasn’t a member of these teams no more, my social groups were falling and felt low that at this stage I was hardly in stage three( social acceptance) at all, as participating in sports was massive in my life at that stage. I got over this eventually and concentrated on my GCSE’s and then onto my A-levels which I had achieved better that anticipated results and my interest in business was growing which meant finally pursuing it as a degree. This therefore shows I have adapted to what motivates me as one time it was sport now it’s about concentrating on my future and by setting goals can look to reach stages four and five within Maslow’s hierarchy.
To conclude I have looked at motivational content theories and how they relate to me. Overall I felt that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs was best applied to me and I have explored why this is the case and what each stage of this theory shows. Through this I have been able to apply what has motivated and de-motivated me in terms of the theory content and been able to explore the reasons behind them, to what stage I had achieved or due to de-motivation fell to. This has helped me understand how content theories can relate to personal motivation and I felt Maslow’s theory was the one that felt particularly relevant to me.
Mullins, L. (2010) Management & organisational behaviour Ninth Edition. UK: Financial Times Pitman Publishing
Ziggy, C. (2010) Maslow’s hierarchy of needs [online] available from: