The difference between content and process theories are that content theories are what and why whereas the process theories relate to how businesses use techniques through these theories. Content theories looks at the workforce usually individually and looking at way in which each individual is motivated. This is usually done by identifying an individual’s needs and goals then using it to motivate the individual. Therefore content theory looks at ways in which to motivate employees. Laurie J. Mullins (2010)
Examples of Content theories include:
Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model
Alderfer’s modified need hierarchy model
Herzberg’s two factor theory
McClelland’s achievement motivation theory
Process theory on the other hand looks at the behaviour of the workforces and how their needs influence it has on the work they are doing. Process theories are ways in which organisations try to motivate the individuals which means that the organisation is applying the theory into the workforce. Laurie J. Mullins (2010)
Examples of Process theory include:
Expectancy theory
Goal setting theory
Equity theory
Debenhams is the organisation identified that uses techniques in order to motivate their employees. The reason to which I have done this is due to knowing someone that works there and via the careers section of their website. Research methods I have used were primary research as well as secondary research which are different as primary research is based on information or data that already exists whereas secondary research is based on research that doesn’t already exist and needs to be researched i.e. via questionnaires.
Debenhams do their best to help people improve as they offer a range of training programmes such as, practical courses, career enhancement through one to ones, coaching, graduate programmes. These programmes would benefit the employee and is used as a motivation technique as this would help employees to become better and achieve, this is where Maslow’s and Herzberg’s theories come into place as in Herzberg’s two factor theory, the second theory is about motivation which involves needs such as status, achievement and recognition which is similar to the higher part of the pyramid in Maslow’s hierarchy of needs model.
They also offer staff a wide range of benefits to employees that work for them such as, flexible/fair working hours, holiday, retail trust, discounts as well as pension plans
However the main process theory they use is the expectancy theory as Debenhams provide rewards which are financial based to employees, this means that the employee would put the effort in which would lead to a better performance and then should lead to the reward.
Debenhams also treats all employees fairly no matter how different they may be as they ensure that all individuals connected with the company receive fair treatment regardless of the ways in which they may differ, such as, gender, race, religion, disability age. This links back to the equity theory which is partly to do with fairness and this theory which is in place would encourage all the people connected with Debenhams to work for them without conflict as everyone is being fairly treated.
Throughout this topic I have learnt that there are many ways in which employees can be motivated. However organisations need to be aware of the fact that all the individuals are different and will be motivated in different ways as their needs may differ. Also I have found out that the most popular way to motivate an employee would be using the expectancy theory as by doing this the employee would know that if they put the effort in to perform and achieved their goals then they would get a reward which meets their needs.
Laurie J. Mullins (2010) Management and Organisational Behaviour. 9th ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited
Debenhams (2011) Benefits [online] Available from: [Accessed: 03 January 2011]
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