Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Perception and Communication

Perception and Communication

Incorrect Perception that I have had
An incorrect perception of someone that I had was the professional golfer Tiger Woods, what made me lead to an initial judgement was that he was a married sportsman and also the number one golfer in the world and of a generation. When the news broke that he had been having affairs it made me realise that people are not how they are perceived to be and that the positive image that was being portrayed in the media was quite possibly false. In this situation I would not do anything differently as this it would be impossible to do so as I have no power over people who have affairs. Although on reflection of events such as this it has brought to me the realisation of not creating a perception of people as more times than not they are usually found out to be wrong.

Ways in which universities can communicate with students
From an article which suggests seven steps of ways to improve staff communication. These are:
Have a shared purpose
Convince your leader
Engage your people
Consider your channels
Keep the personal touch
Work collaboratively
Measure your results

However for universities to communicate with students it may vary as students would have other ways in which they would want to communicate and ways in which there are ways in which universities may be better of adapting to, in order to have the best response from students. A way in which universities would be able to communicate with students better is by using text messages to keep them up to date with information that they will need to know, this could be to do with assignments that may be due in or for changes that the university may be making.

Another is that they could use social networking sites which many students are using such as Facebook. This would be a useful way as students are constantly on them and most students would view information that is on their news feeds or inbox. Another way in which universities could improve communication with students is by face to face meetings with members of staff, this is one of the best ways in term of making sure students get the message that the university wants to give the student as you know they will know about it if they come to see a member of staff, where as social networking and texts may not be as effective as they may ignore it.

Reference List
Clarke, R (2010) How to improve staff communication [Online] Available from: http://www.peoplemanagement.co.uk/pm/articles/2010/07/how-to-improve-staff-communication.htm [Accessed 28th
April 2011]

Laurie J. Mullins (2010) Management & organisational behaviour. 9th ed. Essex: Pearson Education Limited

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