Review of an Online Recruitment Site
The website that will be reviewed will be this is a site for graduates who are looking for jobs. The site has many features that make it attractive such as the colours used. The colour scheme they have used is predominantly green/blue/white and they have made it so that it does not clash with each other hence making the home page look attractive to professional graduates looking for jobs. The layout of the website is student friendly and is easy to navigate and find things. There are drop down menu’s which lead to specific places the user will want to view and therefore provides easy access. There is also a search bar which can be a useful feature to navigate quicker. One of the main disadvantages is the amount of adverts on the website, even though this may be used to fund the running of the website it can come across as unprofessional and put of many viewers. There are links which lead to different places of where the viewer may want to apply, for example a button to look for graduate jobs or to look for courses and research them and this will allow them to access either easily. The images used are suitable to attract students as they are seemingly fun as the people in the picture are enjoying themselves and this would be a positive feature as graduates looking for jobs may think that this website will help find an enjoyable job that the viewer will want to do.
Recruitment campaign that interested me
One of the recruitment campaign adverts which interests is the army jobs advert which is shown on television. Firstly what interested me is the animated sketches which they have made interesting as it has a lot of things such as tanks and fire power which would appeal mostly to males. It also shows that you can be of any skill level to join as they will train you as the person who talk in the advert was working at a counter before being trained to be a leader. Another feature that is interesting is that at the end it shows you how to find a job and apply and it also challenges you by saying “if you got what it takes” which may make people think that i might have what it takes and they would apply. The advert uses someone that has joined the army as lists a couple of skills which he has learnt such as leadership which would be helpful to have in any job.
Advantages of Online Recruitment
The advantages of online recruitment is that it is cost effective, this means that if a company has a vacancy, then would not need to spend any money to advertise the job on their own website whereas using newspapers to advertise or other sources could cost a lot of money.
Another advantage is that it is usually quick as there are many people using the internet and this is increasing and there is more chance of getting replies and quickly than a normal advert where the applicant would need to fill a form which would then need to be posted which can take a couple of days but online recruitment can all be done instantly.

Another advantage is that online recruitment gives the organisation a bigger audience to aim at as it can get different types of people and as it is becoming a popular type of job searching it would be a job idea for organisations to use online recruitment. The average age of people using online recruitment is 35 year olds which is increasing as more people mainly the older generation are becoming aware of how useful using a computer can be and are learning the skills to use one.
The disadvantages is that there may be too many people applying, even though this can be considered a good thing and a bigger chance to find the right candidate but it would be time consuming should there be a lot of candidates and this would lead to picking the right people as the organisations would not be able to short list all of them as this can be costly as well as time consuming. Another disadvantage is that online recruitment may not always work as some jobs would need specific people to fill the jobs and the company may need to look for different method to target those that they are looking for and therefore reducing the chance of unwanted people applying which online recruitment can bring.
Also being a disadvantage is that the company would be relying on a professional recruit to advertise the job and find suitable candidates and therefore the recruiter would not offer much flexibility as they will look for people who fit into the job description. Another disadvantage could be that people for all around the world may apply which could mean that the company may need to spend money on providing accommodation for those applicants or waste their time viewing the applicant’s application if they are not willing to provide accommodation.
Reference list
What Job UK [Online] available from: [Accessed on 23rd April 2011]
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